It’s not a binary state, something you are or not, but a question of degree. You, or your team or company, are more or less agile.

From the dictionary:
- ability to move with quick easy grace
- having an adaptable character
- synonyms: light-footed, nimble
- related words: flexible, limber, dexterous
- near antonyms: inflexible, stiff
In my opinion, being agile is not the same as using a specific method, tool, or process, or following a specific philosophy.
Agile does not equal Scrum, even if Scrum is an agile process.
Agile software development is not defined by the agile manifesto, even if I agree with most of it.
Getting more agile “simply” means to increase your ability to adapt – getting real feedback more often, and improving your ability to change and adjust.
Enterprise agility is the ability to respond quickly to unfolding events or opportunities, according to David Anderson. Getting more agile in the enterprise involves, among other things, increasing trust and minimizing resistance to change (i.e., improvements).
(This blogpost is subject to updates…)
Agile Basics: Visualize More
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