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18th World Congress of Psychotherapy

Crossroads of Clinical Practice and Research
Trondheim, Norway, 14-18 Aug. 2002

organizing committees

organizing committee

K Gunnar Götestam, MD, President, Dept Psychiatry & Behavioural Medicine
Martin Svartberg, MD, Vice President/Scientific Secretary, Dept Psychiatry & Behav Medicine
Tore C Stiles, PhD, Vice President/Scientific Secretary, Department of Psychology
Sverre H Utseth, General Secretary, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Greta Klevset, Secretary, Dept Psychiatry & Behavioural Medicine
Wolfgang Senf, MD, President of International Federation for Psychotherapy(IFP)
Rolf W Gråwe, PhD, Dept Psychiatry & Behav Medicine
Patrick A Vogel, PhD, Department of Psychology
Anders Lagerlöf, MD, Sør-Tröndelag Psychiatric Hospitals
Monika van Beelen, MD, Sør-Tröndelag Psychiatric Hospitals
Anne Kristine Wormdal, PhD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic
Waldemar Platou, MD, representing Norwegian Psychiatric Association
Jim Godø, PhD, representing Norwegian Psychological Association

local host committee

General Secretary, chairman
Jannicke Ankile, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, se-cretary
Three workgroup leaders (culture, PR/info, finance)
Randi Selvik, Music Conservatory, NTNU
Asbjørn Helge Gaasø, Info Dept, NTNU
President attending

scientific committee

Stiles Tore C, co-chair; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (NTNU)
Svartberg Martin, co-chair, NTNU
Gråwe Rolf W, NTNU
Gullestad Siri, University of Oslo
Havik Odd, University of Bergen
Höglend Per, University of Oslo
Jozefiak Thomas, Trondheim
Lippe Anna von der, University of Oslo
Lorentzen Steinar, University of Oslo
Magnussen Finn, Oslo
Monsen Jon, University of Oslo
Nilssen Geir H, University of Bergen
Senf Wolfgang, Germany
Vaglum Per, University of Oslo
Vikan Arne, NTNU

international scientific committee

Armelius Bengt Åke, Sweden
Bergin Allen, USA
Birchwood Max, United Kingdom
Boëthius Siv Boalt, Sweden
Clark David M, United Kingdom
Foa Edna, USA
Kazdin Alan, USA
Lambert Michael, USA
McCullough Leigh, USA
Orlinsky David, USA
Öst Lars-Göran, Sweden
Rosenbaum Bent, Denmark
Sandell Rolf, Sweden
Sprangler Diane, USA

international advisory board

Barlow David, USA
Benjamin Lorna Smith, USA
Berg Roland, Sweden
Cesa-Bianchi Marcello, Italy
Ebigo Peter O, Nigeria
Freeston Mark, Canada
Gordon Robert, Australia
Grobois Phillippe, France
Kholmogorowa Alla, Russia
Krasnov Valery N, Russia
Kächele Horst, Germany
Larsson Bo, Sweden
Luborsky Lester, USA
Margraf Jürgen, Switzerland
Marsh John, USA
Okasha Ahmed, Egypt
Padesky Christine, USA
Rezzonico Giorgie, Italy
Sakuta Tsutomu, Japan
Sartorius Norman, Switzerland
Shapiro David A, United Kingdom
Sole-Puig José, Spain
Steketee Gail, USA
Streppavara Maria Grazia, Italy
Suk-Hun Kang, Korea
Zain M Azhar, Malaysia

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Last updated December 23 2001, Sunday