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18th World Congress of Psychotherapy

Crossroads of Clinical Practice and Research
Trondheim, Norway, 14-18 Aug. 2002

2nd announcement

The 2nd Announcement is available, page for page, in PDF format ("b/w" means "in black and white").

It is also possible to receive the 2nd Announcement on paper. Please fill out the following form if you want us to send it to you.

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You are here: wcp 2002 -> 2nd announcement
[ 2nd announcement | 3rd announcement | address | background | clinical workshops | keynotes | glossary | main page | major symposia topics | organizing committees | practical information | program features | program outline | registration information | Trondheim ]

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Please use to inquire about the Congress. Regarding the web site please use wcp at skaug dot no
Last updated December 23 2001, Sunday